by Mickey Hunt
Brad heaved
what might be a truncated stainless steel water heater onto his table under the
ancient live oaks.
peddling your miraculous apparatus?" Marquis said and plucked a dog-eared
brochure from Brad's stack. "Looks dubious, old man. Hmm... Lead lining
and rechargeable battery."
"If I was
a person of color like yourself..."
"What? Bullscat.
Everybody got a color."
Cars swished
by on the road. Breezy. Hot. Seagulls gliding overhead. Marquis stood behind
his van, handing out bags of fresh shrimp and ice, taking in cash, improvising
rhymes. Brad sagged in a chair at his tailgate while massaging the small of his
"Genius" (1090 words) was published at Stupefying Stories Showcase on March 25, 2015. It was republished in March, 2016 and can also be read HERE at AntipodeanSF, based in Australia.